1 Samuel 16-17 The King who saved his people
This is the sixth message in our sermon series “1 Samuel In Search of a King”. Passage: 1 Samuel 16-17. This message preached by Mark Calder at Sunshine Beach and Tewantin (9.30am)
This is the sixth message in our sermon series “1 Samuel In Search of a King”. Passage: 1 Samuel 16-17. This message preached by Mark Calder at Sunshine Beach and Tewantin (9.30am)
This is the fourth message in our sermon series “1 Samuel In Search of a King”. Passage: 1 Samuel 9-12 The rise of Saul. This message preached by Mark Calder at 730am and 930am (Tewantin).
This is the third message in our sermon series “1 Samuel: In Search of a King”. Passage: 1 Samuel 8 A king like the nations. This sermon preached at all four services,
This is the second sermon preached at our 730am and Tewantin services in our sermon series “1 Samuel In Search of a King”. Psassage: 1 Samuel 4-7
This is the first sermon preached at our 730am and Tewantin services in our sermon series “1 Samuel In Search of a King”. Reading: 1 Samuel 1-3