Interested in finding out more about Christianity and what we believe here at ACN?

Here are some resources that might help you as you work it all through.

Take your time, these things are really important, and if something is worth checking out, it’s worth doing well.
And if you’re beginning to think that this might even change your world, then being thorough is particularly important.

God wants to transform us all through His love, and particularly through us understanding more and more about Jesus, who came to this world, the God-man who put on skin, who died and came back to life. But as we come to understand more about Jesus, we also need to understand more about ourselves, and face up to the truth that we are flawed, and maybe, just maybe we can’t do anything ourselves to help that fact and its consequences.

These are just some of the extraordinary claims of Christianity that we believe. Check out more for yourself.

If you’d like to talk, please get in touch with us.
And we regularly run courses that help people to understand this more. Don’t be hesitant to ask.

Dive in!