To see or hear recent sermons again, please click here, or go to our Home Page


JESUS in Galilee

Connect Group Question Booklet 

Lord of the Sabbath
Tewantin Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson

Disciples Defined
Tewantin Audio – Dave Smith
Peregian Audio – Lynda Johnson

Seed Sown
Tewantin Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson

Growth Gained
Tewantin Audio – Ralph Bowles

Power Proclaimed
Tewantin Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson
Peregian Audio – Dave Smith


Pentecost Trinity 2024

Connect Group Question Booklet 

Pentecost Combined Worship
Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson

Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson


RISEN! Resurrection Appearances of Jesus

Video sermons are on the Recent Sermons page.

Connect Group Question Booklet 

Week 1 – Appearing to Mary Magdalen
Tewantin – Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley

Week 2 – Sermon – Road to Emmaus
Tewantin – Audio – Dave Smith

Week 3 – First Easter Night
Tewantin – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson

Week 4 – Doubting Thomas
Tewantin – Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson

Week 5 – Miraculous Catch
Tewantin – Audio – Mark Creekmore

Week 6 – Peter Restored
Tewantin – Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson



Easter Week

Video sermons are on the Recent Sermons page.

Palm Sunday Connect Group Questions 

Palm Sunday
Tewantin – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson

Good Friday
Tewantin – Audio – Lynda Johnson

Easter Day
Tewantin – Audio – Chris Johnson

Why the Cross?

2024 Lenten series looking at some of the aspects of the Atonement.

Video sermons are on the Recent Sermons page.

Connect Group Guide 

Lent 1 – Example
Chris Johnson – Audio and Transcript – Tewantin/Sunshine
Brad Henley – Audio – Peregian

Lent 2 – Redemption
Dave Smith – Audio – Combined Service

Lent 3 – Victory over Evil
Lynda Johnson – Audio and Transcript – Tewantin/Sunshine
Brad Henley – Audio – Peregian

Lent 4 – Substitution
Brad Henley – Audio – Peregian
Lynda Johnson – Audio and Transcript – Tewantin/Sunshine

Lent 5 – Reconciliation
Brad Henley – Audio – Peregian
Chris Johnson – Audio and Transcript – Tewantin/Sunshine



Summer Chill – Classic Psalms

Psalm 23:1-6
Chris Johnson – Audio
Psalm 42:1-11
Peter Bloomfield – Audio
Psalm 46:1-11
Chris Johnson – Audio
Brad Henley – Audio
Psalm 51:1-19
Chris Johnson – Audio
Brad Henley – Audio
Psalm 119:97-112
Lynda Johnson – Audio and Transcript
Psalm 121:1-8
Lynda Johnson – Audio and Transcript
Psalm 139:1-24
Chris Johnson – Audio and Transcript
Brad Henley – Audio


All For Jesus

This one-week focus on Stewardship was on 26th November


Chris Johnson –
Brad Henley – Genesis 4 with Hebrews – Audio


Kingdom Parables

This series began on Sunday 15th October

Connect Group Guide


October 15 – The Workers in the Vineyard
Ralph Bowles – Audio
Brad Henley – Audio

October 22 – The Two Sons
Ralph Bowles – Audio
Brad Henley – Audio     Sermon images:  1          5 

October 29 – The Tenants in the Vineyard
Ralph Bowles – Text
Brad Henley – Audio  

November 4/5 – The Wedding Banquet
Brad Henley – Audio

November 12 – The 10 Virgins
Ralph Bowles – Audio
Brad Henley – Audio

November 19 – The Talents
Ralph Bowles – Audio
Brad Henley – Audio


Making A Difference – Oct 7 Women’s Day Conference 2023

Speakers: Rev’d Dr Robin Payne & Belinda Pollard

Talk 1: Esther – Robin

Talk 2: Hebrews – Robin

Talk 3 – Belinda


This series commenced on August 27.
You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page

Connect Group Guide 


August 27 – The Call of Moses
Chris JohnsonAudio   |  Transcript
Brad Henley – Audio 

September 3 – The Plagues
Lynda JohnsonAudio  |  Transcript
Brad HenleyAudio

September 10 – The Passover
Brad HenleyTewantin Audio  |  Transcript
Chris JohnsonPeregian Audio  |  Transcript

September 17 – The Escape
Bishop Stephen HaleTewantin Audio  |  Transcript
Brad HenleyPeregian Audio  |  Transcript

September 24 – The Ten Commandments
Chris JohnsonTewantin Audio  |  Transcript
Lynda JohnsonPeregian Audio  |  Transcript



This series commences on July 16.
You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page

Connect Group Guide  


July 16 – Equality
Chris JohnsonAudio  |  Transcript 

July 23 – Compassion
Chris JohnsonAudio  |  Transcript
Brad HenleyAudio  

July 30 – Consent
Lynda Johnson – Audio  |  Transcript
Brad Henley

August 6 – Science
Chris JohnsonTranscript 
Brad Henley – Audio (coming)

August 13 – Freedom
Lynda JohnsonAudio   |   Transcript 
Brad Henley – Audio    |   Transcript

August 20 – Progress
Chris JohnsonAudio   |   Transcript



This series commences on June 11.
You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page

Connect Group Guide  


June 11 – A Healing Kingdom
Chris JohnsonAudio  |  Transcript
Brad HenleyAudio  |  Transcript

June 18 – A Sending Kingdom
Peter BloomfieldAudio  |  Transcript
Brad Henley – Audio  |  Transcript

June 25 – Enduring for the Kingdom
Ray AlbrechtAudio

July 2 – Recognising the Kingdom
Lynda JohnsonAudio  |  Transcript
Brad Henley – Audio  |  Transcript

July 9 – Repenting to Enter the Kingdom
Chris JohnsonAudio  |  Transcript




Connect Group Guide 

This series commences on May 28.
You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page


   Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Audio – Brad Henley (Peregian)

June 4 – TRINITY
   Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson (Peregian)


REAL HOPE ~ an Easter series in 1 Peter


Connect Group Guide 


This series commences on April 16.
You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page


April 16 – REAL HOPE … and joy
   Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley (Peregian)

April 23 – REAL HOPE … on a firm foundation
   Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley (Peregian)

April 30 – REAL HOPE … and submission
   Audio – Ray Albrecht (Tewantin)
   Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley (Peregian)

May 7 – REAL HOPE … 
   Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley (Peregian)

May 14 – REAL HOPE … in suffering
   Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley (Peregian)

May 21 – REAL HOPE … and humility
   Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley (Peregian)


We have found the ONE – Lent 2023

This series commences on Sunday February 26.

Connect Group Guide

You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page


Lent 1 – The Call of the Disciples
Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson (Sunshine/Tewantin)
 – Brad Henley (Peregian)

Lent 2 – Nicodemus
Audio – Bishop Jeremy Greaves

Lent 3 – Woman at the Well
Audio and Transcript (Sunshine/Tewantin)
 – Brad Henley (Peregian)

Lent 4 – The Blind Man
Audio and Transcript Lynda Johnson (Sunshine/Tewantin)
Audio – Brad Henley (Peregian)

Lent 5 – Lazarus
   Audio and Transcript (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Audio – Brad Henley (Peregian)

Palm Sunday
   Audio and Transcript Brad Henley (Sunshine/Tewantin)
   Transcript Lynda Johnson All Age Talk (Peregian) 



You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page

TEWANTIN (Live-streamed) Sermon
Week 1 – Salt and Light – Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson
Week 2 – Fulfilment – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 3 – Anger – Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley


Summer Chill – Wisdom for a New Year

You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page

SUNSHINE (Facebook Live Combined) Sermon
Week 1 – Wisdom and Foolishness – Audio – Chris Johnson

TEWANTIN (Live-streamed) Sermon
Week 2 – Benefits of Wisdom – Audio – Ray Albrecht
Week 4 – Wisdom and Speech – Audio – Chris Johnson


The Light has Come – Christmas 2022


You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page

TEWANTIN (Live-streamed) Sermon
Christmas Morning – Audio – Chris Johnson


A New World Coming

You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page or the Recent Sermons page

TEWANTIN (Live-streamed) Sermon

Week 1 – God and Peace – Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson
Week 2 – Righteousness and Justice – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 3 – Holiness and Joy – Audio – Lynda Johnson
Week 4 – Judgement and Salvation – Audio – Chris Johnson


The Grace of Giving

Questions for Connect Groups

You can find the VIDEO sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page

TEWANTIN (Live-streamed) Sermon
Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson

Audio and Transcript – Brad Henley



LUKE – Hearing the Call

Connect Group Booklet 

You can find the video sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page

TEWANTIN (Live-streamed) Sermons
Week 1 – to Humility – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 2 – to the great banquet – Audio – Luke Collings
Week 3 – the cost of the call – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 4 – the rich man and Lazarus – Audio – Brad Henley
Week 5 – to forgive – Audio – Greg Passmore
Week 6 – to thankfulness – Audio – Brad Henley
Week 7 – to persistent faith – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 8 – of Zacchaeus – Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson

Week 1 Audio – Lynda Johnson
Week 2 Audio – Ruth Craven
Week 3 Audio – Brad Henley

JEREMIAH – From Judgement to Hope

Connect Group Booklet  

You can find the video sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page

Week 1 Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 2 Audio and Transcript – Lynda Johnson
Week 3 Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 4 Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 5 Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson
Week 6 Audio and Transcript – Chris Johnson

Week 1 Audio – Brad Henley – Jeremiah 1
Week 2 Audio – Brad Henley – Jeremiah 2
Week 3 Audio – Ruth Craven – Jeremiah 14:7-22
Week 4 Audio – Brad Henley – Jeremiah 18
Week 5 Audio – Brad Henley – Jeremiah 29
Week 6 Audio – Brad Henley – Jeremiah 31

SUPREME – The Christ of Colossians

Connect Group Booklet  

Check these out … 
Bible Project Colossians Detail Image

and check out this video

You can find the video and audio sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page

Week 1 transcript and Audio – Chris Johnson
Week 2 transcript and Audio – Supremacy – Ray Albrecht
Week 3 transcript and Audio – Maturity – Chris Johnson
Week 4 transcript and Audio – Fullness – Chris Johnson
Week 5 Audio – Freedom – Greg Passmore
Week 6 Audio – New Life – Ray Albrecht
Week 7 Audio – Relationships – Greg Passmore
Week 8 Audio – Encouragement – Peter Bloomfield

PEREGIAN Transcripts and Audio
Week 1 Transcript and Audio – Brad Henley – Colossians 1:1-14
Week 2 Audio – Chris Ivey – Colossians 1:15-23
Week 5 Transcript – Brad Henley – Colossians 2:16-23
Week 6 Transcript and Audio – Brad Henley – Colossians 3:1-17
Week 7 Audio – Brad Henley – Colossians 3:18-4:1
Week 8 Audio – Brad Henley – Colossians 4:2-18


Pentecost / Trinity

Discussion Guide Booklet  

You can find the video and audio sermons from Tewantin on the Home Page

Sermon Transcript Pentecost – Lynda Johnson 
Peregian Transcript Pentecost – Brad Henley 
Peregian Audio Sermon – Brad Henley

Sermon Transcript Trinity – Chris Johnson
Peregian Transcript Trinity – Brad Henley
Peregian Audio Sermon Trinity – Brad Henley 

Alive Again – The Resurrection in Acts

Discussion Guide Booklet – HERE

Sermon Transcript Week 2 – Lynda Johnson
Sermon Transcript Week 3 – Chris Johnson
Sermon Transcript Week 4 – Brad Henley
Sermon Transcript Week 6 – Lynda Johnson

You can find the VIDEO and AUDIO version of all recent sermons on the Home Page or HERE 



Luke through LENT

Connect Group Discussion Guide – HERE

Sermon Transcript Week 1 – Brad Henley – Video and Audio found HERE
Alternative Sermon Transcript Week 1 – Lynda Johnson

Sermon Transcript Week 2 – Lynda Johnson – Video and Audio found HERE
Alternative Sermon Transcript Week 2 – Brad Henley

Sermon Transcript Week 3 – Chris Johnson – Video and Audio found HERE
Alternative Sermon Transcript Week 3 – Brad Henley
Alternative Audio File – Brad’s sermon Week 3

Sermon Transcript Week 4 – Lynda Johnson – Video and Audio found HERE

Sermon Transcript Week 4 –  Lynda Johnson – Video and Audio found HERE
Peregian Audio File – Brad’s sermon Week 4

Sermon Transcript Week 5 –  Chris Johnson – Video and Audio found HERE
Peregian Audio File – Brad’s sermon Week 5
Peregian Sermon Transcript Week 5 – Brad Henley

You can find the VIDEO and AUDIO version of all recent sermons on the Home Page or HERE


What we VALUE

Connect Group Discussion Guide – HERE

You can find the VIDEO and AUDIO version of sermons on the Home Page





JESUS ~ greater than – a series in Hebrews

Questions Week 1 – HERE
Connect Group Question Booklet – coming soon
Series Overview

You can find the VIDEO version of sermons on the Home Page
and the AUDIO versions HERE

Resource links  –
Bible Project Hebrews Video 






I can see clearly now – Looking into Mark

Series starting August 15

Connect Group Question Booklet
Series Overview – HERE 







DAVID – The Triumph and Tragedy of a Leader


Series Overview – HERE

Connect Group Question Booklet – HERE






Sunshine/Tewantin groups click HERE to get your Question Booklet
Peregian groups click HERE to get your Question Booklet – Peregian congregation is completing this series in a different order.





The Fullness of God | Pentecost and Trinity


Connect Group Questions Booklet
Bible Project Video
Athanasian Creed –

To see or hear recent sermons again, please click here, or go to the Home Page of this website.


Believe It | Live It Resources

Connect Group Questions Booklet

Series Outline

To see or hear recent sermons again, please click here, or go to the Home Page of this website.